All the latest ideas and news from Upstream’s thought leaders and partners.
How Bottle Bills Reduce Waste and Support the Circular Economy
Walk through the history – and future – of bottle bills (aka deposit-refund systems) and explore how bottle bills were used in the past and what caused the shift from this reuse–refill economic model to the modern-era throw-away system.
EPR for Packaging is (finally!) now law in the US.
The Governor of Maine signed a new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) bill into state law. More than a decade in the making, Upstream CEO Matt Prindiville describes the history of the bill’s development and what it means for the future of reuse solutions and for holding big brands accountable for their contributions to packaging waste and pollutes.
840 billion single-use products could be replaced by new reuse service economy
Reuse Wins, a new report from Upstream, shows how a new reuse economy is emerging to replace the use of single-use products in food service. The key findings in the report draw from life-cycle studies that compare the environmental impacts of disposables versus reusables, and project the potential cost savings to business and local government from transitioning to a new reuse economy.
How Reusables Can Help Restaurants Save
We all know the feeling of opening that brown paper bag, excited that we didn’t have to cook, only to find a vast number of disposable utensils, straws, napkins, and condiment packets. But is this waste really necessary or is there a better way?
Why Reusable Takeout Packaging is the Future
At UPSTREAM, we are tracking the growth of reuse in cities all across the country. It’s possible to borrow a reusable cup or container in a variety of deposit or lending programs. Even groceries and consumer products are being offered in returnable/refillable containers thanks to emerging reuse companies. The growth in reusable and refillable return systems gives me hope that the throw-away culture is changing.
Reopen with Reuse: A Livestream for World Health Day
As restaurants move toward reopening, many health experts are saying plastic food packaging doesn’t provide any better protection against COVID-19 - in fact, it presents significant risk to human health. Leading up to World Health Day on April 7, UPSTREAM held a media briefing with expert panelists Leonardo Trasande, MD, MPP and Shanna H. Swan, PhD, MS.
You can help your favorite restaurant go disposable-free. Here’s how.
Handy insights, tips, and talking points for approaching food service businesses to help them save money and the planet at the same time.
EPR for packaging: then and now
I believe this will be the year that EPR for packaging moves forward in the United States. The conditions are ripe, and policymakers are engaged and educated around the issues in a way that they weren’t five years ago. It’s going to take a lot of hard work by stakeholders on all sides to get to the finish line. It won’t be easy, but the results will be worth it. Let’s get it done.
Why we need to “Break Free From Plastic” AND embrace reuse
Because the Break Free From Plastic Act does not currently focus on reusables, we organized a working group to develop recommendations for building reusable/refillable requirements into the Act and have been communicating these ideas to the authors of the legislation.