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Wash hub map for the U.S. & Canada
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Reuse services – the washing and supply chain logistics for returnable packaging – are a burgeoning industry in North America. This map and the region list below show the expanse of reuse service infrastructure across the U.S. and Canada.
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Providers by Region
Western US
Bold Reuse (AZ, CA, OR, WA)
Bright and Green (CA)
Buoy (CA)
Cup Zero (CA)
DishJoy (CA)
Dispatch Goods (CA)
EcoSpirits (CA) - bottle wash only
Encora (WA)
Eternity (CA)
FoodWare (CA)
Revino (OR) - bottle wash only
r.World (CO, NV, CA, WA)
Sparkl (CA)
SudBusters (CA)
WeUse (CA)
Southern US
Bold Reuse (AR, NC)
Cup Zero (FL)
Dispatch Goods (MD)
EcoSpirits (FL) - bottle wash only
r.World (DC, MD)
Northern US
Cup Zero (NY, NJ, CT)
Eternity (PA)
Re:Dish (NY, PA, CT, DE, MA, RI)
Midwest US
Bold Reuse (MO)
r.World (MN)
Alpha Select (BC)
Arrrise (ON)
Bo (QC)
Cupko (AB, BC, NS, ON, QC)
Ecocup (ON, QC)
Eternity (ON, QC)
Friendlier (AB, BC, ON)
Muuse (AB, ON)
ShareWares (BC)
Suppli (ON)
Find reuse service providers
Shifting to a circular reuse economy – where packaging is considered a service instead of a disposable product — requires reimagining and remaking supply chains.
Investing in and developing reuse infrastructure — the logistics and wash facilities that collect, transport, wash, sanitize, dry, store, and redistribute durable, returnable packaging — will accelerate the scale to a circular reuse economy in our society. It will allow everyone, from the small mom-and-pop establishments and school districts to large corporate foodservice, beverage, and consumer packaged goods entities, to participate.