Align your business with your values
We’re looking for passionate, mission-driven organizations across the country like you to partner with us.
Upstream is visionary, creative, driven, curious and solutions-focused. We truly think we can change the world. We see the value in leveraging and harnessing the best of businesses and corporations, government, nonprofits and communities to build a better future.
Align your business with your values
We’re looking for passionate, mission-driven organizations across the country like you to partner with us.
Upstream is visionary, creative, driven, curious and solutions-focused. We truly think we can change the world. We see the value in leveraging and harnessing the best of businesses and corporations, government, nonprofits and communities to build a better future.
Align your business with your values
We’re looking for passionate, mission-driven organizations across the country like you to partner with us.
Upstream is visionary, creative, driven, curious and solutions-focused. We truly think we can change the world. We see the value in leveraging and harnessing the best of businesses and corporations, government, nonprofits and communities to build a better future.
Our Sponsors
For Sponsorships $5k and greater:
Linked logo on Upsteam’s Business Sponsor webpage ($2k value).
Inclusion in our annual Impact Report.
Digital and/or print collateral to tout your support of Upstream.
Membership in our Friends Network
One dedicated social post announcing our partnership ($1k value)
Mention in Upstream’s year-end thank you blog ($500 value)
Opportunity to customize and synchronize your brand embedded in our comms assets
For Sponsorships of $5k or less:
Linked logo on Upsteam’s Business Sponsor webpage ($2k value).
Inclusion in our annual Impact Report.
Digital and/or print collateral to tout your support of Upstream.
Upstream assesses business sponsor opportunities on a case by case basis. We see business as a key part of the solution to plastic pollution. We are also aware of greenwashing, where the intent of the corporation is to only appear green. In general, if you are doing the right thing and making progress toward real and funded goals toward becoming a greener business, we welcome a conversation. We all have a role to play and whether you directly impact plastic pollution and single-use through your work and/or indirectly through your financial support, we want to connect with you.
Here are the questions we ask ourselves before partnering with a business:
Does the gift compromise the mission and/or vision of Upstream?
Is there compatibility between the intent of the donor and Upstream’s use of the gift?
Will acceptance of the gift damage the reputation of Upstream?
No, but it is a fantastic program and you should check it out if you have not already. If you own a business, consider joining 1% for the Planet and naming Upstream as your beneficiary. Everyone wins! For more information please visit
If you are already a 1% for the Planet Business Member, you can meet your 1% goals by becoming an Upstream Business Sponsor.
1% for the Planet connects businesses, individuals and nonprofits to protect the planet. If you own a business, consider joining 1% for the Planet and name Upstream as your beneficiary.