Pass Policy

Policy Tracker

Upstream's Policy Tracker is focused on policies that drive source reduction of single-use products and packaging, and especially on policies that institutionalize reuse.

The state of US & Canadian reuse policy

In this tracker, you'll find policies related "Reduce" and "Reuse" in the the following issue areas: Reusables for On-Site Dining, Accessories on Request (also referred to as "Skip the Stuff" or "Accessories Upon Offer"), Cup/Container Charge, Reuse at Events, Reuse in Lodging, Reuse in Government Facilities, Reuse in Procurement, BYO, Refill Stations, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) with reuse provisions, Bottle Bill / Deposit Return System (DRS) with reuse provisions.

Policy Testimony & Comments

Upstream submits comments and letters of support for reuse-related bills that are in keeping with our policy principles—or comments to encourage their integration.

Model Policies

  • Model Foodware Packaging Reduction Ordinance (2022)

    This Model Foodware and Packaging Reduction Ordinance can be used to guide policy drafting efforts at the local, state, or federal level. It provides a comprehensive approach to building reduction and reuse in food service. The model can be treated like a menu of options: Policy makers select specific provisions to create stand-alone policies, and take a more narrowly focused approach. (Photo credit: Dispatch Goods)

  • Model Source Reduction Purchasing Policy (2022)

    Leveraging the purchasing power of government, especially at the scale of can have enormous impact. Prioritizing reduce, reuse, and repair should be at the core of government procurement policies. Agencies can specify purchase and use of reusable products for government meetings, events, and offices and prohibit the purchasing of specific throw-away items such as disposable beverage and foodware containers.

  • Model #SkipTheStuff Policy (2022)

    In the U.S., 561 billion disposable food service items are used every year, resulting in 4.9 million tons of waste. Americans use more than 36 billion utensils and as much as 142 billion straws each year. Most restaurants provide these accessories for take-out meals even if the customer doesn’t want or need them. Together, we can change this. Join or start a campaign to #SkipTheStuff.

  • Model Food Service Ware Ordinance (2023)

    Designed by StopWaste for Alameda County, this Model Ordinance is customizable for a diverse range of jurisdictions, providing flexibility for each jurisdiction to reflect its needs. Each jurisdiction will want to develop an approach to managing food service ware and related items that addresses its priorities.