All the latest ideas and news from Upstream’s thought leaders and partners.
Join the REAL sharing economy with a Library of Things
Friends of Upstream share the Library of Things concept, a community resource where useful items can be borrowed just like books that are in circulation for years.
image: Baltimore Tool Library
Keeping loss rates low in school cafeterias
A model from ReThink Disposable helps solve for loss rates when implementing reuse in school cafeterias.
School Case Studies
Schools around the US have successfully switched to reusable foodware. Here’s how.
Key takeaways from the Resource Recycling Conference
Upstream’s first appearance at this conference geared toward waste management professionals and government staff.
Expanding the conversation
Upstream's Cerise Bridges offers her “notes from the field” after attending a conference about Chicago’s new sustainability law.
US & Canada Reuse Incentives and Grants Tracker
Upstream's Reuse Funding Tracker monitors incentives and grants that could be used to support projects related to source reduction of disposable packaging and foodware.
Looking upstream: The linear economy & its social impacts
Reducing resource consumption and improving production processes can develop more resilient, equitable systems that prioritize long-term sustainability for the economy, people, and the environment.
Reuse & climate: action for governments to take
The importance of embedding reuse into climate action plans—and how measuring consumption-based emissions gives a far more accurate depiction of a municipality’s climate impact.
Reuse, climate solutions & a just transition
A conversation summary from the summer meeting of the Reuse Solutions Network.