Stories of charting a path to reuse

Upstream’s Chart-Reuse software provides the data that helps make reuse happen


Last year, Upstream launched a beta-testing initiative of Chart-Reuse®, our foodware reuse analytics tool, in order to learn from people working for or with food operators considering a switch to reuse. During this project, we learned what challenges they were facing and what information they needed to influence decision-makers and stakeholders to consider a switch to reuse—and we used this information to make Chart-Reuse the robust tool it is today. 

Here are a series of case studies from these early adopters, showing how data helped them leverage their cause and chart a course to reuse. 

Interested in learning how Chart-Reuse can help make the case for your reuse project? Request a demo!


The Conscious Cafeteria Report


Chart-Reuse case study: Aluminum cans versus reusable cups