Media & Events

Indisposable Live

Current events and information on the circular economy, brought to you live by Upstream’s thought leaders

  • The Vision & Playbook for Reuse in EPR: Expectations for a Best-in-Class PRO

    The Vision & Playbook for Reuse in EPR: Expectations for a Best-in-Class PRO

    What to expect of a best-in-class producer responsibility organization (or, PRO) when it comes to supporting and planning for a transition to reusable packaging systems within EPR programs.

  • The "secret sauce" to scaling circular systems

    The "secret sauce" to scaling circular systems

    A special episode of Indisposable Live (live!) held at Circularity 24 in Chicago.

  • Heroes of Reuse: activating change in local communities

    Heroes of Reuse: activating change in local communities

    In a special edition of Indisposable Live, we highlight this year’s three Reusies Activist of the Year winners – people who are co-creating a world without waste and advancing reuse in their communities.

  • Back to basics: Defining "reuse" for policymakers

    Back to basics: Defining "reuse" for policymakers

    Even as we see increased momentum behind EPR, DRS and other policies involving reuse, the definitions of “reuse” are scattered and often ill-conceived. Now is the time to properly define reusable packaging—and especially differentiate between returnable and refillable packaging—in the policy context.

  • Indisposable Live®: How US Bottle Bills are Accelerating Reuse

    Indisposable Live®: How US Bottle Bills are Accelerating Reuse

    An engaging discussion on deposit return systems (DRS, or "bottle bills"), and why it's important that they incorporate the latest thinking on reuse solutions, funding, and incentives.

  • Indisposable Live® (Live!): Working Together to Build the New Reuse Economy

    Indisposable Live® (Live!): Working Together to Build the New Reuse Economy

    A candid discussion addressing successes, challenges, opportunities and calls for more cooperation across sectors to make the New Reuse Economy a reality.

  • Reuse in EPR

    Reuse in EPR

    Join Upstream and friends as we explore how best to incorporate waste prevention and reuse into one of the most popular waste policies - Extended Producer Responsibility.

  • Envisioning The New Reuse Economy

    Envisioning The New Reuse Economy

    Upstream's new Chief Strategy Officer, Priscilla Johnson, hosts a lively discussion with several reuse thought leaders on the ideation, experimentation and strategies needed to create a shift to a circular economy.

  • How Design Standards & Guidelines Can Help Reuse Scale

    How Design Standards & Guidelines Can Help Reuse Scale

    What are the guidelines, standards, and infrastructure required for an effective reuse economy? Join Upstream’s Chief Solutioneer/CEO, Matt Prindiville as he moderates an engaging and informative discussion with three special guests – Amy Larkin and Claudette Juska from PR3 and Olga Kachook from GreenBlue - who are putting the puzzle pieces together , “setting the standard for reuse” and helping to enable businesses to thrive in the growing circular economy.

  • Reuse Wins at Events

    Reuse Wins at Events

    As fans return to sporting arenas and music lovers celebrate the return of concerts and festivals, sustainability issues at events and venues are coming back into focus – specifically, what to do about the ever-present disposable plastic cup.

  • The Next Generation of Foodware Policies: Encouraging Safer Food Packaging and Reusable Foodware

    The Next Generation of Foodware Policies: Encouraging Safer Food Packaging and Reusable Foodware

    Upstream teamed up with the Safer States network to develop more comprehensive foodware reduction policies designed to help us move towards non-toxic reusables and phase out the most problematic chemicals and materials from disposable food packaging. Miriam Gordon from Upstream and Renée Sharp from Safer States present their shared vision for the next generation of foodware policies.

  • Reuse To-Go

    Reuse To-Go

    Check out what viewer Edward Wrenn from Pittsburgh called “the best hour and a half I have ever spent!” as Upstream CEO Matt Prindiville interviews reuse entrepreneurs Keiko Niccolini (r.Cup/r.Ware), Lauren Sweeney (DeliverZero), and Paul Liotsakis (Sparkl). Learn how our guests started their businesses, their plans for the future, how they’re adapting – and even thriving – during the pandemic, and how you can help bring their services to your own community

  • UPSTREAM World Health Day Livestream

    UPSTREAM World Health Day Livestream

    As restaurants move toward reopening, many health experts have been saying plastic food packaging doesn’t provide any better protection against the COVID-19 pandemic – in fact, it presents a significant risk to human health. Leading up to World Health Day on April 7, Upstream held a media briefing to look into another potential global health crisis, this time brought about by plastic and the toxic chemicals in our food packaging.

  • 2021 Plastics Policy

    2021 Plastics Policy

    We teed up a “power hour” for you with three experts working across the political spectrum from federal to state to local policy. Listen to Yinka Bode-George from the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators, Judith Enck from Beyond Plastic, and Upstream’s own Miriam Gordon to learn what 2021 holds for plastics policy under the new administration.

  • The United States of Plastic

    The United States of Plastic

    In 2016, US plastic waste inputs to coastal environments were among the highest in the world, and the US was the only “developed country” to make the top 20 list of plastic polluters in the world. Join panelists Dr. Jenna Jambeck and Dr. Kara Lavender Law and Matt Prindiville (moderating), Upstream CEO, to discuss this and other staggering stats, and what we can do about it.

  • Racial Justice & Environmentalism: Together & Inseparable

    Racial Justice & Environmentalism: Together & Inseparable

    How do we uplift marginalized communities in environmental work that impacts them the most? Learn about INTERSECTIONAL ENVIRONMENTALISM and the bridges between climate and racial justice in this rich discussion with Mustafa Santiago Ali, Miriam Torres, and Letise LaFeir (moderating).

  • The Safety and Future of Reuse

    The Safety and Future of Reuse

    Listen to Upstream and three dynamic speakers in an interactive and hopeful conversation about the safety and future of reuse in America. Tom Szaky (Loop), Lindsey Hoell (Dispatch Goods), and Dr. Ben Locwin (infectious disease specialist) discuss how reuse solutions and systems can help save businesses money; get people back to work; protect public health; AND stop plastic pollution & reduce waste.