The Vision & Playbook for Reuse in EPR: Expectations for a Best-in-Class PRO
As packaging EPR gets off the ground in states across the US, the time is right to shine a spotlight on reuse. Upstream’s newest position paper breaks down exactly what to expect of a best-in-class producer responsibility organization (or, PRO) when it comes to supporting and planning for a transition to reusable packaging systems within EPR programs. Host Sydney Harris covers key points from the paper and facilitates a lively discussion with public policy expert Elizabeth Balkan, plus Emmaneulle Bautista and Valentin Fournel, special guests from Citeo—a French packaging PRO poised to launch a large-scale reusable packaging program with its member brands. If you’re curious about how to advocate or plan for reuse in packaging EPR programs, this recording is for you.
Position Paper: Embracing Reuse in U.S. Packaging EPR Programs: Playbook for a Best-in-Class PRO
More information about CITEO’s program
The state of EPR policy in the US
Defining “reuse” in the policy context
Reuse service providers in the US & Canada
Zero Waste Europe: European Reuse Barometer