
The Vision & Playbook for Reuse in EPR: Expectations for a Best-in-Class PRO

As packaging EPR gets off the ground in states across the US, the time is right to shine a spotlight on reuse. Upstream’s newest position paper breaks down exactly what to expect of a best-in-class producer responsibility organization (or, PRO) when it comes to supporting and planning for a transition to reusable packaging systems within EPR programs. Host Sydney Harris covers key points from the paper and facilitates a lively discussion with public policy expert Elizabeth Balkan, plus Emmaneulle Bautista and Valentin Fournel, special guests from Citeo—a French packaging PRO poised to launch a large-scale reusable packaging program with its member brands. If you’re curious about how to advocate or plan for reuse in packaging EPR programs, this recording is for you. 


Position Paper: Embracing Reuse in U.S. Packaging EPR Programs: Playbook for a Best-in-Class PRO

Upstream’s presentation deck

CITEO’s presentation deck

More information about CITEO’s program

The state of EPR policy in the US

Defining “reuse” in the policy context

Reuse service providers in the US & Canada

Zero Waste Europe: European Reuse Barometer


The "secret sauce" to scaling circular systems