We are a leading change agency for reuse.
We’re driving change toward a robust and enduring reuse economy by normalizing reuse, growing and supporting the reuse industry, and ensuring a supportive policy environment.
Reuse Features
Grand Canyon Reuse Project
Upstream is leading a multi-year, multi-stakeholder, first-in-the-nation project at the Grand Canyon National Park. The project will result in the largest reuse system for dine-in and take-out in the U.S. at the South Rim’s food and beverage locations.
Reuse Economy
Designing a product from the beginning for maximum quality, durability, longevity, material health, and recyclability and getting that product into a system where it can be used over and over again in its original form.
US & Canada Policy Tracker
All the reuse policies that have passed at the local and state/provincial level, collected in one spot.
Pass Policy
Chart-Reuse Case Studies
Three stories of early adopters of Chart-Reuse, and the data that helped them advance their reuse projects.
Switch to Reuse
The Conscious Cafeteria Report
A national pilot study on reusable foodware for healthier, more sustainable schools
Reuse Research
Join a reuse coalition
There are over 25 reuse coalitions and groups across the US & Canada. Join one in your area, or learn how to bring together your community around reuse initiatives.
Act Locally
Contribute to an indisposable future
Join leaders and entrepreneurs developing policy and infrastructure
EPISODE 177: Isabel Mack, creator of Party Kit Network, and Toni Mason with Bull City Boomerang Bags discuss community-focused reuse initiatives driven by passion instead of policy.
image: Party Kit Network