Reuse is a climate solution

The greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) causing climate change result from a fossil fuel-based “take-make-waste” extractive economy. Rethinking the supply chain for packaging must be a climate goal to put us on track to achieve net-zero emissions.


Reuse reduces plastic production & cuts carbon

Efficient, scalable reuse systems can eliminate 75% of plastic packaging production—which generates 4 times more GHG emissions than the airline industry—and 70% of those emissions, compared to single-use. 

Reuse remedies false solutions like compostables, which contribute to the methane in landfills that drives 30% of global temperature rise.

Reuse helps prevent plastic incineration, which causes more GHG emissions than other fossil fuels.


Renewable energy addresses only 55% of UN climate goals. The remaining 45% hinges on transforming how we produce, consume, and dispose of consumable goods, emphasizing the crucial role of reuse solutions.


How does reuse slow global climate change?

By reimagining the value chain

Reusable products and packaging means a significant reduction in raw materials harvested, a massive reduction in GHG emissions from transportation, and a near elimination of items sent to landfills and incinerators. For example, this coffee cup scenario shows reuse cuts carbon emissions by 79% across the value chain. 

value chain graphic

Reuse builds community resilience in the face of climate change. 

Localized reuse economies build climate resiliency by decoupling us from a volatile global supply chain.


Recycling versus reuse: are they really so different?


Upstream Launches Bold Initiative to Eliminate Single-use Waste with Grant from the National Park Foundation