The Indisposable Podcast®
Celebrating solutions to plastic pollution and featuring heroes of the movement
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- 5 Gyres
- 5Gyres
- 20th anniversary
- 40 Big Food Thinkers Under 40
- 2022
- #100thepisode
- #2022
- #ahimsa
- #beer
- #beverageindustry
- #BlackHistoryMonth
- #BlackLivesMatter
- #breakfreefromplastic
- #ChoosetoReuse
- #coffee
- #cradletocradle
- #delivery
- #designbyfreedom
- #eatspring
- #ecopreneur
- #EJ
- #embraceequity
- #environmentaljustice
- #environmentalracism
- #epr
- #equality
- #greenbusiness
- #innovation
- #juneteenth
- #maine
- #maketrashhistory
- #nationalbottlebill
- #newreuseeconomy
- #newyear
- #NYC
- #pay4plastic
- #plasticfree
- #plasticfreejuly
- #plasticfreerestaurants
- #plasticwaste
- #playersfortheplanet
- #PR3
- #recycling
- #redish
- #returnrefill
- #reuse
- #reusies
- #saveourseas
- #scalingreuse
- #singleuseplastic
- #SkiptheStuff
- #solutioneers
- #spring
- #TrashBlitz
- #unwrapped
- #wastereduction
- #WEF
- #wine
- #womenshistorymonth
- #womensleadership
- #zerowaste
- AAPI Heritage Month
- Abigail Forsyth
- activism
- activist
- Activist of the Year
- actor activists
- advocacy
- African American women
- Ahimsa
- Alejandra Warren
- Algramo
- Alison Waliszewski
- Alysia Reiner
- Amazon
- Ana Baptista
- Anita Schwartz
- Ann Arbor
- anniversary
- Apparel Impact Institute
- apparel industry
- Arizona
- art activism
- artificial turf
- artist
- Ashima Sukhdev
- Ashley Craig
- asset management
- Atlantic Packaging
- austin
- award show
- awards
- AZ
- B-Corps
- back to school
- BAN list
- Banff
- baseball
- bath and beauty
- beauty products
- beer
- beer distributor
- Ben Von Wong
- Benjamin Von Wong
- Berkeley
- Berkeley High School
- Better Alternatives
- beverage
- beverage delivery
- beverage industry
- beverage vending
- Bieler Wines
- big brands
- Bill McDonough
- Bill Sheehan
- bioplastic
- Black History Month
- Bleckmann
- blockchain
- Board members
- Board of Directors
- Bold Reuse
- Bold Women in Science
- Bonnaroo
- bottle bill
- bottle bills
- bottle deposit
- bottle refund system
- bottle return
- Break Free From Plastic
- breweries
- Brian Bauer
- Bridget Croke
- Britain
- Brooking Gatewood
- Brookline Public Schools
- Browngirl Green
- Bryan Lewis
- business conference
- Cabinet Health
- California
- Cam Anh
- Camila Vega
- campus dining
- Canada
- carbon footprint
- Caroline James
- Caroline Vanderlip
- Cassia Patel
- celebrity
- Center for Biological Diversity
- Center for Environmental Health
- Cerise Bridges
- Charles Bieler
- Chart Reuse
- chartreuse
- children's health
- Chile
- Chris Dickerson
- Christian Kaufholz
- circular apparel
- circular city
- circular economy
- circular systems
- circularity
- Circularity
- Circularity 23
- City to Sea
- Civil Rights
- cleantech
- climate
- climate change
- climate entrepeneur
- climate justice
- climate solutions
- climate tech
- climate toolkit
- Clorox
- Closed Loop Partners
- coalitions
- cobbler
- Coblrshop
- collaboration
- college
- colorado
- columbus
- community
- community activism
- community coalition
- community organizing
- community reuse
- compost
- compostable
- concerts
- concessionaires
- consumable product delivery
- consumer goods
- consumer markets
- consumer packaged goods
- convening
- COP27
- Cornell
- corporate accountability
- corporate responsibility
- corporate sustainability
- Cradle to Cradle
- craft beer
- CrowdSolve
- Crystal Dreisbach
- culture hack
- Daniel Velez
- Daniel Vukelich
- Danni Washington
- David Allaway
- David Stitzhal
- Davos
- DeliverZero
- deposit refund system
- design
- design standards
- digital divide
- Dishcraft Robotics
- Dispatch Goods
- diversity
- Don't Waste Durham
- durable medical equipment
- e-waste
- eco-cycle
- eco-design
- ecomom
- economics
- ecopreneur
- EJ
- electronic waste
- Elizabeth Balkan
- Elizabeth Segran
- Ellen Macarthur Foundation
- emerging leaders
- Emily Parker
- Emily Tipaldo
- endocrine disruptors
- entrepreneur
- environment
- environment sustainability
- environmental health
- environmental justice
- environmental management
- environmental racism
- episode 100
- equity
- Erin Simon
- Evan Abel
- events
- extended producer responsibility
- Fan Favorite Reuse Company
- fashion
- fashion waste
- Fast Company
- fast fashion
- florida
- food packaging
- food service
- founders
- Fungal Diversity Survey
- Galvaston
- Garr Punnett
- Generation Conscious
- Georgia
- Georgia Sherwin
- Global Plastic Action Partnership
- Global Plastics Policy Centre
- Global Plastics Treaty
- Global Reuse Summit
- Golden Gate Restaurant Association
- government agency
- grassroots activism
- Great Britain
- green building
- green business
- green events
- green investment
- green jobs
- Green Sports Alliance
- green tech
- Green ToGo
- green venues
- GreenBiz
- GreenToGo
- grocery delivery
- Growly
- Growly delivers
- Happen Ventures
- Hawaii
- Heal the Bay
- healthcare
- Helen Kao
- Helen Spiegelman
- Hilo
- Hip Hop Caucus
- history
- Hollywood
- home goods delivery
- human centered design
- Human-I-T
- impact
- implementation
- INC-2
- INC-3
- INC-4
- inclusion
- Indisposable Live
- influencer
- infrastructure
- innovation
- innovator
- interview
- into the sea
- IT
- Ithaca
- Izzy Beauty
- Jennie Romer
- Jennifer Navarra
- Jess Zeuner
- Jo Morley
- John Charles Meyer
- Jon Smieja
- Jose Bravo
- journalism
- Judy Hilton
- Jules Bailey
- Julie Lamy
- Juneteenth
- just transition
- Just Transition
- justice
- Kadeya
- KeepCup
- kombucha
- Kori Goldberg
- Kristy Drutman
- L'Oreal
- La Mediterranee Fillmore
- Laguna Beach
- Lara Seng
- laundry
- Lauren Sweeney
- leadership
- leather repair
- lessons learned
- Lewis Perkins
- Linda Corrado
- Lindsey McCoy
- Lisa Erdle
- livestream
- Liz Segran
- local organizing
- local policy
- logistics
- Los Angeles
- Louisiana
- low waste
- Macy Zander
- Maine
- Major Leagues
- Manuela Zoninsein
- Marcel Howard
- Marcia Gagliardi
- marketing
- Martin Borque
- Maryland
- material science
- Matt Prindiville
- McDonough Innovation
- McKenna Morrigan
- media
- medical device reprocessing
- medical reuse
- Melbourne
- Melissa Aguayo
- Michael Martin
- Michigan
- milkman model
- Mill Valley
- Milwaukee
- minority communities
- Miranda Helmer
- Mocha Mermaid
- model policy
- montana
- Most Impactful Community Leadership
- Most Innovative Reuse Company
- music fesitval
- Mustafa Santiago Ali
- national parks
- National Reuse Awards
- National Wildlife Federation
- nature
- new reuse economy
- New York City
- Nicole Cerroni
- non-toxic
- ocean conservation
- ocean pollution
- Oceana
- Oceanic Global
- online asset management system
- online delivery
- Ontario
- Orange is the New Black
- ordinances
- Oregon
- origin story
- overconsumption
- packaging
- packaging engineer
- packaging waste
- panel
- panel discussion
- parting the plastic sea
- Patagonia
- pediatric medicine
- Perpetual
- personal care
- Phoenix
- photography
- Plaine Products
- plastic
- plastic bag ban
- Plastic Bag Diet
- Plastic Bag Movement
- plastic ban
- Plastic Free July
- plastic free persciptions
- Plastic Free Restaurants
- plastic packaging
- plastic policy
- plastic pollution
- Plastic Pollution Coalition
- plastic recycling
- plastic waste
- Plastic-Free Future
- Plastics Pact
- plastics treaty
- policy
- Portland Trail Blazers
- PR3
- preemption
- Priscilla Johson
- Product Stewardship Institute
- Q&A
- r.cup
- r.Cup
- r.World
- Rachel Morier
- Re:Dish
- recycling
- redistribute
- refill
- refillable bottle system
- refillable bottles
- ReLoop
- repair
- reparations
- report
- restaurants
- ReThink Disposable
- reusable bottles
- reusable container
- reusable containers
- reusable cups
- Reusable LA
- reusable packaging
- reusable takeout
- reuse
- reuse accelerator
- reuse advocacy
- reuse at events
- reuse business
- Reuse Catalyst
- reuse definition
- reuse economy
- reuse entrepreneur
- reuse for onsite dining
- reuse funding
- reuse heroes
- reuse in schools
- reuse in sports
- reuse infrastructure
- reuse movement
- reuse nonprofit
- Reuse Ordinance
- reuse policy
- Reuse policy
- Reuse Refill Forum
- reuse research
- Reuse Seattle
- reuse service provider
- reuse service providers
- reuse services
- reuse solutions
- Reuse Solutions Network
- reuse standards
- reuse systems
- reuse takeout
- reuse to go
- reuse-olutions
- reuse/refill
- reuserefill
- ReX
- Rheaply
- Rich Grousset
- Rip city reuse
- Roger McClendon
- Rose Stephens-Booker
- roundup
- Russ Gong
- Ryan Everton
- San Francisco Department of the Environment
- san mateo
- San Mateo County
- Savannah
- scale
- scaling reuse
- schools
- science communicator
- Seattle
- Seneca Village
- sharing economy
- shoe repair
- small business
- smart buildings
- social responsibility
- Sodexo
- Solutioneers
- solutions
- source reduction
- sports
- sports venue
- stadium
- stainless steel
- Starbucks
- startup
- Steve Hynd
- Story of Stuff
- strawpocalypse
- student action
- students
- subsidy program
- supply and demand
- supply chain
- supply chain management
- surfrider
- sustainability
- sustainability education
- sustainability metrics
- sustainable beauty
- Sustainable business tips
- sustainable concerts
- sustainable design
- sustainable dining
- sustainable events
- sustainable fabric
- sustainable fashion
- sustainable infrastructure
- Sustainable Ocean Alliance
- sustainable packaging
- sustainable solutions
- sustainable sports
- Sydney Harris
- systemic change
- Systemiq
- systems design
- tablehopper
- technology
- television host
- television personality
- Texas
- The Beer Store
- The Ecology Center
- The Indisposable Podcast
- The ReCirculation Project
- The Renewal Workshop
- The Reusies
- The Rocket Years
- The Rounds
- Thom Almeida
- Throw-away free
- Tim Wolters
- tipping points
- Tiza Mafira
- toolkit
- Tootsie's at the Standford Barn
- turn off the plastic tap
- UC Berkeley
- UK
- United Kingdom
- United States
- universities
- university
- University of New Hampshire
- University of Portsmouth
- University of Wisconsin
- Upstream
- Upstream Board of Directors
- upstream solutions
- urban planning
- US history
- US Plastics Pact
- value chain
- venture capital
- venues
- vision
- von wong
- warewashing
- waste reduction
- waste reduction hierarchy
- water bottles
- Wes Carter
- Will Grassle
- William McDonough
- wine
- wine bottle system
- wine industry
- wine keg
- wine on-tap
- wine service
- winemaker
- wineries
- winery
- Wisconsin
- Women's History Month
- worker safety
- World Economic Forum
- World Oceans Day
- World Refill Day
- World Wildlife Fund
- Yinka Bode-George
- zero emissions
- zero waste
- zero waste campus
- zero waste delivery
- Zero Waste Europe
- Zero Waste Hawai'i Island
- Zero Waste Seattle
The Conscious Cafeteria Project
EPISODE 174: Diving into the findings of a national pilot study of reusable foodware for healthier, more sustainable schools.
The Plastic Free Pharmacy
EPISODE 173: Cabinet Health is on a mission to eliminate plastic in pharmaceuticals, starting with a mail-in refill model.
Unstoppable community organizing
EPISODE 172: Organizers in states where it is challenging to pass policy are still doing good work to reduce plastic waste and encourage reuse. Plastic Free MKE shares the story of their success.
Bans on bans
Episode 171: Preemption laws—or “bans on bans”—can make it hard for localities in more conservative states to pass plastic reduction and reuse policies. Learn insights & workarounds from on-the-ground advocates in FL, CO, and MT.
Connecting dots for circularity
Episode 170: Happen Ventures leverages logistics and partnerships to repurpose products and divert landfill waste.
Changing lives with reuse
Episode 169: A win-win model from MD Department of Aging: reusing durable medical equipment to increase access while saving money, carbon, and landfill waste.
Reuse to-go goes back to school
Episode 168: PLAN’s Atlas Fellows launch a Reuse To-Go Manual & ROI Calculation Course to help college students make lasting changes in campus dining.
Making repair mainstream (again)
Episode 167: Leslie Bateman and Emily Watts, co-founders of shoe and leather repair company Coblrshop, share their journey in innovating an age-old craft.
The keys to a reuse revolution
Episode 166: Christiana Dujardin, lead analyst for the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s groundbreaking report, Unlocking A Reuse Revolution - Scaling Returnable Packaging, shares insights & takeaways on designing a returnable packaging system that can compete across the board with single-use.
Reuse, Climate & Environmental Justice
Episode 165: A recording of the summer Reuse Solutions Network meeting, which dives deep on the interrelation between single-use plastic, climate change, environmental justice, and a just transition to reuse.
Persistence + Data = Change
Episode 164: How passion, persistence, and good data can go a long way in creating change—with Yayoi Koizumi, founder of Zero Waste Ithaca and co-founder of BYO-US Reduces.
A vision for implementing reuse
Episode 163: Celebrating her first work anniversary at Upstream, CEO Crystal Dreisbach shares some top moments from year one and her vision for the work ahead.
The 2.0 of bottled H2O
Episode 162: How reuse startup Kadeya is on track to eliminate the single-use beverage problem with their game-changing hydration technology stations.
The “secret sauce” to scaling circular systems
Episode 161: What are the magic ingredients to scale reuse? Learn insights from the nonprofit, reuse business, policymaking, government funding, and corporate perspectives.
From cafeteria to community: students launch reuse
Episode 160: Inspiring Berkeley High School students Sophie Horvath and Joshua Swift-Rawal share their journey in advocating for reuse at their school and beyond.
A reuse playbook for stadiums
Episode 159: Join the Green Sports Alliance, Portland Trail Blazers, and Bold Reuse to learn about winning off-the-field with reuse at stadium events.
Toward a Global Plastics Treaty
Episode 158: Behind the scenes at the INC-4 meeting in Ottawa, plus what’s next for an international agreement to reduce plastic pollution.
photo: Benjamin Von Wong
Championing DEI & Emerging Leaders
Episode 157: Bryan Lewis, head of GreenBiz’s Emerging Leaders program, discusses empowering young sustainability professionals, a just transition to a circular economy, and what he is doing to ensure DEI doesn’t DIE.
Reuse Rockstars
Episode 156: How the arts, design, and action can help change culture and make throw-away go away, with Dianna Cohen and Annie Rothschild Farman of Plastic Pollution Coalition.
Pioneering reuse in Banff
Episode 155: The town of Banff was among the first in Canada to pass a comprehensive single-use item reduction bylaw. Hear from Environmental Coordinator Carla Bitz about the grassroots efforts that spurred the journey to passing this policy, plus successes and challenges along the way.
Tips for reuse advocates
Episode 154: Reusable LA co-leaders Emily Parker and Alison Waliszewski share some key insights about advocating for Reuse for Onsite Dining and other reuse policy within their community.
Back to basics: defining “reuse”
Episode 153: The audio version of Upstream’s Feb 15, 2024 livestream all about how to properly define reuse in policy—and why it’s important to distinguish between returnable vs. refillable packaging.
The Latest Science on Plastic Alternatives
Episode 152: How compostable are bioplastics really? The answer: it depends. Learn more from Dr Lisa Erdle of the 5 Gyres Institute.
Urban planning for reuse
Episode 151: Perpetual is working to bring reuse to everyone by collaboratively designing reuse systems in mid-side cities across America.
Envisioning a Just Transition toward Reuse, #2
Episode 150: More on navigating the challenges and opportunities in moving toward a new reuse economy built on principles of equity and justice for all.
Envisioning a Just Transition toward Reuse
Episode 149: A candid discussion on an equitable vision of a new reuse economy and aligning on how we talk about a Just Transition toward non-toxic reuse - a Reuse Solutions Network recast.
“Living & learning” with Plastic Free Restaurants
Episode 148: Executive Director of Plastic Free Restaurants John Charles Meyer returns to update us on progress made and lessons learned in funding foodservice establishments to switch to reuse.
A city-wide case study for reuse
Episode 147: Reuse Seattle collaborators McKenna Morrigan and Moji Igun share the inspiring story of the coalition’s growing success since we first chatted with them.
Championing Reuse in Healthcare
Episode 146: Dan Vukelich, The Reusies 2023 Activist of the Year, shares how 20+ years of working to reduce waste in hospitals is really gaining traction.
20 Years of Upstream
Episode 145: As Upstream celebrates its 20th birthday, COO & Chief Friendmaker Julie Lamy and our longest standing board member, David Stitzhal, take a walk down memory lane.