The business case for catalyzing reuse

Episode #121



What will it take to accelerate the New Reuse Economy? For Emily Tipaldo, Executive Director of the U.S. Plastics Pact, it starts with concepts close to our hearts: convening and collaborating. The Pact’s Reuse Catalyst program aims to boost emerging and established reuse and refill innovators, and the broader industry, through shared learning, expertise, and amplification. 

Lauren Sweeney, co-founder and CEO of DeliverZero—a New York City-based reuse service and an inaugural member of the Catalyst—needs no convincing. She joins Emily and host Matt Prindiville to discuss the program’s successes and challenges, including why many companies are hesitant to fund sustainability efforts—and why that’s a losing proposition, both for the future of the planet and for their own economic resilience. 



On the road to reuse with bottle bills


Indisposable Live®: Reuse in EPR