Plastic-free Lunch Day Guides (2024)
Cafeteria Culture’s Plastic-free Lunch Day guides promote action in one of the following: 1) create a student-led creative messaging campaign; 2) Audit your plastics & learning how to collect baseline data; 3) reduce plastic packaging; 4) reduce plastic dishware. Includes the following “How-to Documents”:
Audit: School Cafeteria Plastic Waste Audit
Audit: CafCu Blue Tarp Method
Audit: Data Sheet
Audit: DIY Data Sheet
Dear Principal “Can we have a PFLD (Plastic Free Lunch Day)?” Letter Template
Home Lunch Flyer for Parents/Guardians
Reduce Packaging: Cost-Savings
Reduce Dishware: Cost-Savings + Resources (includes a 13 step process that students from a high school in WA created)