The Indisposable Podcast®
Celebrating solutions to plastic pollution and featuring heroes of the movement
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Plastic-free mermaids
EPISODE 3: Oceanic wisdom from a woman who's lived without disposable plastic for 10+ years, with “The Plastic Free Mermaid,” aka Kate Nelson.
Community first: environmental justice organizing
EPISODE 2: Plastic pollution as a matter of justice: working with front-line communities in a global movement with Ahmina Maxey, Transforming Power Fund.
A giant leap toward throw-away-free living
EPISODE 1: The story of Berkeley's groundbreaking ordinance to reduce throw-away foodware, with Martin Borque and Miriam Gordon.
Introducing the Indisposable Podcast
WELCOME EPISODE: A brief welcome and orientation to Season One of The Indisposable Podcast, with your host Brooking Gatewood.