The Indisposable Podcast®
Celebrating solutions to plastic pollution and featuring heroes of the movement
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Clean Break: Saying Goodbye to Single-Use Plastic
EPISODE 57: Experts in reusable systems discuss how we can make a "Clean Break" from single-use plastic for the health of people, oceans and the planet.
Citizen Science for a World Without Waste
EPISODE 56: How Break Free From Plastic brand audits around the world are holding companies accountable for plastic pollution.
Reuse Wins: A Case for Reuse in Food Service
EPISODE 53: Hear from the experts behind Upstream’s new report, Reuse Wins, and why switching from single-use to reuse in food service is a win for all.
Embodied Activism: The What, Why, and How
EPISODE 52: An exploration of showing up for activism in ways that transform us, our relationships, and the world we’re seeking to change.
Overcoming corporate challenges to protect the ocean
EPISODE 51: Join a thoughtful conversation with Dave Ford about how Ocean Plastic Leadership Network’s diverse group of advocates is working to end plastic pollution in oceans.
Consumption (and Contraception) in the Age of Extinction
EPISODE 50: Tune in to learn about the impacts and perceptions of human consumption, and how reproductive rights promote environmental prosperity.
Redefining the Win: Building Power from the Grassroots Up
EPISODE 48: Field notes on Equitable Policy Organizing, with Dana Laurent of the Ballot Initiative Strategy Center.
Changing the narrative: Environmental justice and plastic production
EPISODE 45: Standing with #breakfreefromplastic this Earth Day in support of community-led actions to stop toxic plastic production across the US.
An indisposable future for your baby
EPISODE 43: Diapers can be rough on babies, the earth, and parents’ bank accounts. EarthDiaper models a new option which is accessible to all.