The Indisposable Podcast®
Learning from reuse-focused changemakers at the intersection of plastic pollution, climate change, and environmental justice.
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Championing Reuse in Healthcare
Episode 146: Dan Vukelich, The Reusies 2023 Activist of the Year, shares how 20+ years of working to reduce waste in hospitals is really gaining traction.
“Repairing the past, for future’s delight”
Episode 130: A discussion with Dr. Mustafa Santiago Ali, Executive Vice President of National Wildlife Federation, about how we honor ourselves and each other in working towards climate justice and other means of social change.
We don’t have 5 planets
Episode 117: Jose Bravo, Executive Director of the Just Transition Alliance, joins us to talk about why environmental and climate solutions must prioritize the communities most affected.
Indisposable Organizing: Black Leadership on the Front Lines
EPISODE 79: Lessons from the Gulf Coast frontlines: connecting climate, racial, and environmental justice to turn off the tap on disposable, single-use production.
Environmental Justice: Past, Present and Future
EPISODE 77: In honor of Black History Month, Upstream’s Marcel Howard discusses the historical scars of environmental racism, the rise of the environmental justice movement – and why reuse is an important part of the solution.