Be a Solutioneer: Choose to Reuse this Earth Day

Woman in store with reusable produce bag

You – me – we have a name in the Upstream community. We’re Solutioneers. We’re the folks who consider values, the human cost and environmental impact in the daily decisions we make; we’re tired of the one way throw-away economy and we want to make a difference. 

We also know that one of the places we can make an impact is in what we choose to buy and how we choose to consume. We were once considered “niche” but we are a niche no more. We are a growing segment of consumers with enormous buying power and may even be the majority now. In fact, just before the pandemic, two-thirds of Americans said that to avoid single-use plastic, they would be willing to pay extra for everyday items. And the good news is, we can now buy environmentally sustainable products without paying more. Spoiler alert: especially if those products are reusable.  

What’s the impact of joining the growing reuse movement? We can start new businesses and innovate in industries which are ripe for disruption. We can support our communities by influencing policies and decision-makers at the federal, state and local level. We can change our broken, wasteful systems and even choose which business models thrive. 

There are many small ways we can change the world – starting at home.

Whether it’s the 99¢ glass vinegar shakers I bought to replace single-use plastic soap dispensers in our bathrooms or the weekly decisions I make at the grocery store, I make intentional decisions that guide what products I buy and the packaging those products come in. Just by purchasing reusable produce bags, I’ve helped an emerging reuse business grow and prevented the waste of about 1,000 single-use plastic bags and counting. 

Within the Upstream community, there are many living the zero waste lifestyle; so for Earth Day this year, we’ve pulled together some of our favorite tips and tricks to reduce waste at home and help maximize the power of your buying decisions.

There are also many ways to get involved and make your voice heard. 

  1. Email your legislators to support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act today!

  2. Get reuse on the menu by asking our beloved restaurants to Reopen with Reuse (*update June 2023 - this campaign is no longer active).

  3. Join the campaign to #SkiptheStuff in delivery and takeout, making it a requirement for restaurants to give customers the opportunity to opt-out  of utensils and condiment packets. 

  4. Support restaurants who are choosing to reuse: earlier this week we launched a reusable foodware pilot in Palo Alto called Serve it Safe – help spread the word!

Together we can change the status quo and build a better way than throwaway. After all, we’re Solutioneers. Will you join us?

If you found any of this valuable and want to stay updated on other reuse initiatives around the country, please sign up for our newsletter. And if you’re able, please consider making a donation to UPSTREAM.

Julie Lamy

Julie joins Matt to form UPSTREAM's management team. Whether she's out front making friends and building networks or behind the scenes making sure UPSTREAM is working like a smooth machine, she is an enthusiastic believer in a better way than throw-away. Julie brings 25+ years of experience with non-profits of all sizes, community problem solving skills, and a Peace Corps experience to UPSTREAM. And she plays frisbee year-round, Maine. No cabin fever here.


How Reusables Can Help Restaurants Save


Popular Palo Alto cafe, Tootsie’s at the Stanford Barn, replaces disposable foodware with reusable containers in honor of Earth Day