Green Tiffin

Get healthy meals delivered right to your doorstep in Green Tiffin’s reusable containers!

Business Profile

SERVICE TYPE: Containers
MATERIAL TYPE: Stainless steel containers and reusable totes
BUSINESS MODEL: Subscription Service— sign up for monthly deliveries and return empty containers on delivery day

WHERE IT WORKS: Take-out, delivery
COUNTRY: United States
SERVICE AREA: San Francisco, CA

Erin Covey-Smith

A graphic designer and writer with a fine arts background, Erin ardently believes in applying creative thinking to all realms to bring out unseen possibilities and potential solutions. She helps ensure the smooth flow of day-to-day operations that help keep UPSTREAM running while also contributing word and image power to UPSTREAM's stories. Besides living the mission of a throw-away free tomorrow, Erin loves running, cooking, and being outside whenever possible.‍



