Rebrand Skincare


High-performing skincare with at-home and in-person refill options.

Business Profile

Business Model : Both B2B and B2C. Customers can purchase an individual unit either on the website or at a partnering refill shop. Customers save their packaging and can refill with a 2X Refill (ordered online) or a Bulk Refill (in person at a refill shop).

Product Material : Individual packaging is glass, 2X Refills are aluminum

Available sizes: Individual units are 1 - 4 oz, 2X Refills are 2 - 8 oz

Where it works: Order online or refill at a partnering refill shop

Service Area: United States

Businesses using service: Refill shops

Cost to business: Cost of the product itself; closed loop Bottle Return is free

Options available to the customer to return the reusable container: Closed loop Bottle Return for Bulk Refills (sent back by refill shops)

Average return rate: 40%

Ware washing: Containers are hand washed and sanitized at the lab/warehouse in Santa Clara, CA

Erin Covey-Smith

A graphic designer and writer with a fine arts background, Erin ardently believes in applying creative thinking to all realms to bring out unseen possibilities and potential solutions. She helps ensure the smooth flow of day-to-day operations that help keep UPSTREAM running while also contributing word and image power to UPSTREAM's stories. Besides living the mission of a throw-away free tomorrow, Erin loves running, cooking, and being outside whenever possible.‍




Turë Reusable Food Container System