Green My Plate


Supplying reusable, light-weight, plates & bowls to events, schools & anyone else wanting to minimize their waste.

Business Profile

Product offering : Reusable plate, bowl and cup service aimed at eliminating single-use food packaging from events.

Business Model : B2B - Offers out service to any size event looking to reduce their waste, tailored to each event’s specific needs.

Product Material : bamboo fiber and cornstarch

Sizes: Plates are available in 24cm and 18cm sizes. Bowls are available in 18cm with a (9.3cm depth) and 15cm (5cm depth)

Where it works: Events

Service Area: Victoria

Country: Australia

Businesses using the service: Events, Schools, Universities, Businesses, Councils, Weddings and Functions

Cost to business owner: As each event is different there is no one size fits all price. Each quote is based off factors such as attendance, number of vendors, estimated serves, the event being closed off and operating hours.

Cost to customer: $0

How returns work: All items are returned to signature pink bins, easily accessible at all events

Average return rate: Variable, depending on factors such as: Is the event or area fenced off? What messaging has been sent out prior to the event? What messaging has the event implemented on site? Have adequate bin stations been provided for patrons?

How ware washing happens: At most events the washing is primarily done onsite. For smaller events there is the option to take the items offsite to wash.

Erin Covey-Smith

A graphic designer and writer with a fine arts background, Erin ardently believes in applying creative thinking to all realms to bring out unseen possibilities and potential solutions. She helps ensure the smooth flow of day-to-day operations that help keep UPSTREAM running while also contributing word and image power to UPSTREAM's stories. Besides living the mission of a throw-away free tomorrow, Erin loves running, cooking, and being outside whenever possible.‍




Good To Go Cups