Reusable plastics solutions for the Circular Economy.

Product offering: Reusable Transport Packaging

Business Model: CORPLEX is a B2B business that designs, develops a manufactures a wide range of reusable packaging for logistics purposes, replacing single use materials. They also offer consultancy of establishments of close loops for packaging.

Product Material: Polypropylene

Sizes: Custom design or standard sizes

Where it works: Everywhere a close loop packaging system can be implemented

Service Area: All

Country: USA

Kinds of businesses are using this service: Many industries, from retail to manufacturing and distribution

Average return rate: 95%

Technology: Track ´n trace technology

Erin Covey-Smith

A graphic designer and writer with a fine arts background, Erin ardently believes in applying creative thinking to all realms to bring out unseen possibilities and potential solutions. She helps ensure the smooth flow of day-to-day operations that help keep UPSTREAM running while also contributing word and image power to UPSTREAM's stories. Besides living the mission of a throw-away free tomorrow, Erin loves running, cooking, and being outside whenever possible.‍




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